Wednesday, May 23, 2007

XPe tip #40: "Adjust for best performance" registry setting

How to preset Visual Effects settings in TD? These settings you can get to from Control Panel-->System-->Advanced-->Settings (Performance)-->Visual Effects.
Answered here.

The Visual Effects settings are mapped to the following registry value:
That flag should be set to 2 to optimize the system for best performance. Value 1 is for best appearance.

The same value could be set under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch to affect all user accounts (global policy). Or under HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT branch to effect the default user accounts as well as all other user accounts since on XPe they all use Default User settings for defaults during FBA.

No component in TD brings in that registry value by default. It is probably getting [re]set during FBA.


Anonymous said...

This doesn't actually work. Although that setting is configured when you make those selections from the GUI, simply adjusting this attribute in the registry makes NO change. Although the GUI will show that it's set to 'Adjust for best performance' the setting does not actually take effect.

Anonymous said...

making the reg change does not apply the settings best way to apply the settings for all machines is to capture the image with best performance already being set and applied in system properties be for sysprep.

KM said...

You will need to reboot the OS after you applythe registry change.

Anonymous said...

Even after rebooting the settings that should have been affected remain unchanged (such as visual styles, contents while moving window etc...), if you then go to the SYSTEM > ADVANCED > PERFORMANCE you see that it also advises the REG fix worked, and if hit [Apply] it then applies it but not untill then event if you reboot....

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